
Dates and Venue

Where and when does AMWC India 2024 take place?

AMWC India is schedule in 2024 at Mumbai, India. The full address of the venue will be announced soon.

What are the opening hours of the congress?

AMWC India will host two parallel scientific Sapphire & Jade Ballroom respectively. The opening hours of the congress will be 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.


How can I get the badge to access the congress?

To get your entrance badge, you can register directly on our website using the 'Registration' button.

Do you offer group rates? How do I register a group?

Group discounts on all pass types will be available soon for practitioners and their staff. The discounts will be applied during the checkout process. You MUST register all attendees at the same time to get the discount.

Exhibitors & Products

Could you help me with hotel booking?

You can find the floorplan of the venue here.

Where can I find the list of exhibitors?

You can find the floorplan of the venue here.


Could you help me with hotel booking?

Thanks to the partnership with the official accommodation partner, you will get special hotel rates and packages for the event soon.